Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm slowly losing my mind...

If it's not toothpaste all over the bathroom, it's marker all over the doll house. Or crayon on the walls. Or the sugar bowl spilled all over the counter and floor. Or the dog's water bowl spilled on the kitchen floor...I really could go on!
I clean one room, the 2 short ones mess up another. And it goes round and round and round....never a dull day!

I like vacuuming. Well, actually, I LOVE vacuuming...the feeling of sucking up all that dirt (and dog hair!) and hearing all the little bits rattling their way down the hose and into the basement is a very rewarding thing for me.
So part of me is fine with the kids making messes, not taking off their shoes, spills etc. Unless I just vacuumed. Then that bothers me.
I wonder if someday I will begin to hate vacuuming, but with 4 kids its a good thing I like love it!